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Tuesday, June 10

Major League Soccer Sales Training Program

Major League Soccer is hiring for their 2-5 month sales training program at their National Sales Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Then candidates will need to relocate to one of the team’s offices.  As you can see by the email below, they reached out to me.

  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college and commitment to be a soccer sales industry leader
  • Ability to participate in entire two-to-five month curriculum (evening, weekend, and potential holiday hours)
  • Ability to work as a team player
  • Proficient in basic computer software programs
  • Strong organizational and communication skills
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Open to learning
  • Ability to move to Minneapolis, MN on the National Sports Center Campus for 2 to 5 months
  • Ability to relocate to an MLS Club immediately following the training session
For directions to apply, contact