Company Name: Ethics & Compliance Officer Association
Address: 411 Waverley Oaks Road #324 Waltham, MA 02452 (car needed from campus)
Company Website:
Position Title: Non-Profit Education & Membership Intern
We’re a nonprofit professional association seeking a part-time intern to assist with researching, designing, and executing best practices in creating certification programs, webcast presentations, and more. This opportunity is available for course credit.
Duties include, but are not limited to:
• Curriculum research and design
• Conduct competitive analysis
• Assist in determining best practices for creating and presenting certification programs, webcasts, and more.
• Determine cutting edge topics for the ethics & compliance field
• Membership retention and satisfaction initiatives
• Organization and research for resource library documents
• Database maintenance
The ideal candidate must have initiative, work independently, be a self-starter, and have strong computer skills. This is an unpaid opportunity and the candidate must be able to commit to 8-12 hours a week; actual hours are flexible.
• Must be detail oriented, be able to take initiative, and collaborate
• Solid computer skills (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
For directions to apply, contact