Magical Moon Farm Foundation Internship
We are looking for students who may be studying agriculture or taking courses in sustainable living or anyone who likes farming or building things.
This is a volunteer internship. We will be focusing on maintaining our organic garden and creating structures relating to our organic visitor center for children undergoing treatment for cancer and other difficult illnesses. We are looking for people who would like to grow with our foundation and have a passion for being outdoors and a good day of physical work!
Among the things we will be doing this fall:
-Working continually in large organic garden making sure plants are being cared for and harvesting for the farm stand
-Working on the construction of our half underground greenhouse
-Development of programs and courses for people coming to the farm who want to learn about sustainable living, bee keeping, canning, healthy cooking, and eating
-Building a healthy compost area and maintaining it
-Working to keep our farm stand full of healthy fresh produce and health related items
-Being able to answer questions from visitors about what we do here
-Building and maintaining an information bulletin board at our farm stand
This internship is in Marshfield, MA- which is about 50min- an hour drive from campus
For more information about Magical Moon Farm visit-
To apply, contact for directions.