77 Messina Drive
Braintree, MA 02184
List of duties that are non-inclusive: Knowledge of Cornerstone software system, answering phones, making appt's, checking clients in and out, educating clients of the products we sell, obtaining medical records from other hospitals, entering pt histories, assisting the doctor in examinations, prepping the rooms for appointments, medication and treatment administration including orally, subcutaneously and intramuscularly, safe animal handling and restraint, setting up diagnostic testing, Idexx BW machines, snap, fecals, UA, phlebotomy, catheter placement, digital radiography and developing, prepping surgical patients, intubation, assisting in surgery, monitoring recovering patients, scrubbing surgical packs, autoclaving, general stocking & cleaning of the hospital etc..
This is a permanent position. Our hospital is beautiful, our staff is wonderful and our clients are the best. Please send your resume with a short letter outlining your experience for confidential consideration to quarryhillsvet@aol.com. Only applicants with experience will be contacted, however we are willing to train the right candidate on our Cornerstone software. Must be reliable & mature.
Salary negotiable according to your experience.
If interested, contact career@mountida.edu for directions to apply.