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Wednesday, October 15
Ocean City Maryland needs Summer Officers & Public Safety Aids!
Ocean City, Maryland is a tourist town so they hire a lot of summer Officers and Public Safety Aides.
Please see the details at this link and below. These are paid summer jobs, and internships are also available for students.
What are you doing this Summer 2015.pdf
I asked whether the Police Department helps with housing and here is the response:
Absolutely! We help tremendously with housing. We do not have a housing facility but we assist with them as much or as little as they would like us to. We do have a housing program that will hold 30 employees. Our city rents 5 houses for the summer. Each house has 3 bedrooms with two beds in each room. The rent will be split 6 ways and will come directly out of their paycheck throughout the summer. We have several other options as well.
To apply contact for directions.